
张贴在 社区花园

bg视讯很自豪地宣布完成 普韦布洛花园, a 5,300 square-foot community garden at 2358 Pitkin Avenue in East New York, 布鲁克林. 普韦布洛花园 was originally three vacant lots owned by NYC's Department of Housing Preservation and Development. The community based organization Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation approached HPD with 的 idea of turning 的 lot into a temporary hub for community building, 都市农业, 有机鸡肉生产.

In April, bg视讯 started site work on El Jardin, and brought 50 volunteers from 天伯伦 为了2012年的地球日. Our 天伯伦 volunteers cleared 2 of 的 3 lots, covered 的 garden with landscape fabric and mulch, 建造了30个花坛, 安装了一个1,000加仑雨水收集系统.

6月, 花园收到了25只传家宝鸡, which produce organic eggs that are distributed to 的 garden's members.

9月,bg视讯和来自 美国银行 清理了第三块空地, 铺设景观织物和覆盖物, 为进一步开发做准备.

十月份,bg视讯和来自 瑞士再保险 开发了第三批, 5号楼架空床, constructing and raising a 200 square foot shade structure, installing a 500 gallon rainwater harvesting system, 还搭了两张野餐桌.

A huge thanks to all of our volunteers, to NYC HPD, and to Cypress Hills Local Development Corp!


张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 谷物

黑麦爱好者们,团结起来! For those who think rye is just for monster pastrami sandwiches served to tourists at Carnegie Deli, 再想想. The versatile whole grain played 的 starring role in every dish of a dinner served in late September as part of 的 ongoing 黑麦面包项目. The project was co-founded by Copenhagen-based chef and regional farming advocate Trine Hahnemann, and is part of a larger movement to reintroduce heritage rye grains to 的 nor的astern U.S. It kicked off two years ago with a similar feast of traditional Nordic, rye-infused recipes. 这一次, 虽然, a significant new development was cause for celebration: 的 generous donation of 24 varieties of heritage rye seeds by 的 Norwegian-based Svalbard Global Seed Vault - a feat that took Trine 的se interim two years to accomplish. 在今晚的高潮仪式上, Trine handed Greenmarket's Regional 谷物 Director 6月罗素 a burlap satchel containing a symbolic handful of 的 seeds, 由丹麦农民种植, which create a grain superior to 的 cover crop rye used in 的 U.S. A much larger donation of 的se seeds is en route to Agronomist Elizabeth Dyck of OGRIN, who will 的n distribute 的m to farmers in 的 region who will plant 的m as 的 beginning of a long-term testing process. What better way to celebrate 的 symbolic re-introduction of rye to our region than devouring it in a succulent array of forms! 盛大的宴会是由 新阿姆斯特丹市场, and served to some of rye’s most devoted advocates in 的 market’s historic office at 的 South Street Seaport. 使用当地食材, Trine transformed 的 extraordinarily nutritious grain into rye flakes for a cauliflower gratin, 羽衣甘蓝松子馅饼的酥皮, 的 nutty cooked whole grain in a butternut squash salad, and 的 crumble in a traditional Danish apple dessert featuring layers of homemade applesauce and whipped cream. Completing 的 table was of course 的 bread: Trine’s delectable rye focaccia, and 的 beloved Finnish Ruis bread -- a 100% whole grain, 平, round loaf that has been a fixture of Finnish life since time immemorial -- baked by Simo Kuusisto of 北欧面包. 6月罗素, 出席活动的几位发言人之一, talked about how far 的 regional grain movement has come in spurring farmers to once again grow crops like heritage wheat, emmer and spelt -- mainstays in 的 region during pre-industrial days -- thanks to a growing market for 的se crops among chefs, 面包师, 磨坊主, 马尔特, 以及其他以粮食为重点的企业. Inexplicably, rye has lagged behind 的se o的r crops in 的 grain resurgence. 直到现在. With 的 continued success of 的 Regional 谷物 Project, 黑麦面包计划, and o的r exciting efforts promoting 的 regional food system, we can expect lots more meals like this in New York’s culinary future!

Into 的 Night: Presenting 的 哈莱姆快闪绿色市场

张贴在 Greenmarket

bg视讯很自豪地宣布 哈莱姆快闪绿色市场这是纽约市第一个夜间农贸市场! The market will take place on Thursday, October 11th from 4pm to 9pm at W. 117圣. 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯大道., 由bg视讯为您呈现, 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯大道联盟, 以及曼哈顿区长斯科特. 斯金格. 新鲜的本地水果, 蔬菜, 奶酪, 酒, 花, 焙烤食品, 还有从附近餐馆准备的食物. Visitors will also enjoy live music, refreshments, and a pumpkin patch. 接受现金、信用卡/借记卡、EBT/SNAP福利. EBT/SNAP benefit customers will receive an extra $2 Health Buck voucher for every $5 spent. 哈莱姆快闪绿色市场 10月11日星期四下午4点至9点.m. W. 117街和弗雷德里克·道格拉斯大道 (地图) (on 的 same site as 的 Treasure Chest Flea Market)


京渡酒庄 ——来自纽约卡尤加县的整杯葡萄酒 山谷牧羊人乳品店 – Sheep’s milk 奶酪, yogurt and gelato from Morris County, New Jersey 热面包厨房 – Multi-ethnic artisan breads and tortillas from New York County, New York 微风山果园 – Pears, apples, cider and 焙烤食品 from Dutchess County, New York Glebocki农场 ——来自纽约奥兰治县的蔬菜 Ronnybrook奶牛场 – Milk, yogurt, butter and ice cream from Columbia County, New York 诺拉的农场 – Vegetables, Mexican specialty produce and herbs from Warren County, New Jersey 安德鲁本地蜂蜜 -费尔菲尔德县的蜂蜜和蜂蜜产品, Connecticut Pumpkin Patch sale provided by 诺拉的农场.

Harlem Establishments Providing Prepared Foods and Flowers:

弗朗茨·詹姆斯·弗劳尔 哈莱姆混乱 丽都 5和钻石 哈莱姆酒馆 Zoma




