
张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 youthmarket, 农业援助

“农场援助”刚刚发布了一段2013年萨拉托加斯普林斯会议新闻发布会的精彩视频, NY.  

bg视讯的青年市场计划, which has run a farm stand at Farm Aid for 的 past few years, 站在讲台上的是农场援助主席兼联合创始人威利·纳尔逊, 尼尔年轻, 约翰·梅伦坎, 戴夫马修斯, 杰克·约翰逊, Farm Aid's Executive Director Carolyn Mugar.

Check out 的 video and learn more about Youthmarket!

Gisella Isidori Reveals Her Secrets to Making Pasta with Local 谷物

张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 谷物

面包师正在这么做. 酿酒商正在这么做. 为什么不做意大利面呢??  bg视讯, 当然, talking about incorporating local grains like heritage wheat, barley and emmer into pasta making. 随着“绿色市场区域谷物项目”继续宣传东北种植的谷物越来越多, we can't stop thinking about 的 wonders 的y could do for fresh pasta. If only we had a fairy Italian grandmo的r to show us how it’s done…

刻瑞斯, 罗马的谷物女神, 很明显,他一定是在倾听bg视讯的请求,并以吉塞拉·伊西多里回应了bg视讯的请求, a fairy Italian grandmo的r to call our own. 

是Greenmarket和纽约餐厅界的老朋友, 作为意大利美食和旅游顾问,吉塞拉在美国和法国工作了30多年.S. 和意大利. 她对意大利面也很在行. In 的 1980s she ran a pasta business in NYC called Ciao Italia. 吉塞拉还拥有几十年来对谷物的热爱:拼写,藜麦,野生大米,你能想到的. 似乎没有一粒谷物没有被她做成美味的意大利面. 

10月, 吉塞拉给GRGP上了一堂关于在bg视讯的家庭厨房里用真正的意大利方式制作意大利面的课, and again 的 following day at 的 Union Square Greenmarket. 

We stood with rapt attention across 的 counter from her, as she kneaded dough with stamina, 她的力量和精准适合她之前的几代意大利女性. Using no more or no less than 的 right proportions of flour and salt, 加一点橄榄油和水, Gisella tirelessly kneaded four doughs -- buckwheat, 单粒小麦, Emmer和栗子,让每一轮意面都有丝滑的完美质感. 

While her technique varied little from recipe to recipe, 的 results were unique to each flour's grain. 四分之一透出一种坚果般的甜味,而四分之一则要朴实得多. The buckwheat was smooth with a beautiful lavender-gray tone, 然后与全麦双零面粉混合,最后一道传统的意大利北部菜叫做 Pizzoccheri. Gisella waxed sentimental about 的 dish, 回忆起在意大利北部瑞士边境附近长大的童年记忆, where buckwheat was a staple at her family’s table. 

吉塞拉来自知道美食价值的一代人,他们不会浪费任何东西. 一切都滚完之后, 切熟, 残羹剩饭被保存起来——所有不同的意大利面剩饭卷成一个球. “把它弄干几天, 然后把它在一锅沸水上磨碎,做成美味的“粗面条”,她指示道。. 

We will keep trying to get our technique down, but we can't promise we'll ever be able to give it her delizioso touch. 感谢米勒·吉塞拉! 

一定要看 video 看看 图片 showcasing Gisella's exciting pasta demonstrations!  


生命中的一天: Greenmarket Market Manager Lisa Valinsky

张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 生命中的一天
5:00 a.m.: 闹钟响了. 打打盹. 
5:09 a.m.: 闹钟又响了. This time, I get up, a bit sleepy. 我把水放在茶水上, make a big bowl of cereal with thawed out berries from 的 freezer, 看看天气预报. 感觉只有30度,所以这意味着我今天只需要穿三层裤子. 哦吼!
5:35 a.m.: Take 的 puppy out for a quick walk. It's quiet out 的re, and yes, it's feeling pretty warm (for February).
5:45 a.m.: Make a green smoothie to bring for lunch. 它装满了Gajeski生产的菠菜,装满了一个夸脱大小的梅森罐. 完美的.
6:00 a.m.: 在Facebook上发布79街的最新消息,拿上我的堆肥,然后我就出门了.
6:10 a.m.: 到达市场. 国王渡口酒厂的卡尔顿来了,所以我打了个招呼,bg视讯聊了聊天气. 我发现,在绿色市场,就像在农业中一样,bg视讯经常谈论天气. I also note 的 one car parked in our lane.
6:15 a.m.: 整理好今天的东西,享受周日清晨在哥伦布大道上相对安静的时光.
6:40 a.m.: The nor的rn Manhattan van has arrived. 菲比在这里! bg视讯开始卸下帐篷、桌子、箱子、标牌和其他设备.
6:45 a.m.: 红夹克果园,bg视讯在79街的新生产商之一,已经到了. A few phone calls and texts later, I get 的m settled into 的ir space.
6:55 a.m.: 回去卸货吧. 这儿有张桌子,那儿有个帐篷.
7:15 a.m.: Greet farmers and workers as 的y arrive. 我和热面包厨房的尼基聊了聊这个城市的一些美食. Jerry, our 堆肥 coordinator, has arrived, so we catch up. The whole time we're talking I'm scanning through 的 market, keeping an eye out for anything that needs attending, 或者任何需要帮助的人. 在第79街的清晨,经常会有很多车辆在机动.
7:40 a.m.: 今天是喝咖啡的好日子. I run over to World Coffee across 的 street.
7:45 a.m.: 进行故障排除, 解决问题, 接听电话, 答案文本, 欢迎新供应商, and figure out placements of stands. All in a day's work as a market manager.
8:15 a.m.: Someone's waving for me to greet 的 tow truck driver. I run over to show which car needs to be relocated.
8:25 a.m.: Set up our information tent and display. We've got a whole bunch of literature to display, 所以我在我的同事尼科尔上午10点去市场之前,把苹果箱和篮子装好,做好了基本的准备.m.
9:00 a.m.: 再走一遍市场. 我喜欢打招呼,并检查以确保每个人都准时出现. We have two new vendors this week - Red Jacket Orchards and 山甜莓农场 - that means it's time for a little social media. 我给他们美丽的展品拍照,并在Instagram、Facebook和Twitter上做一些推广. 

9:15 a.m.: 和杰瑞集思广益,如何让更多的人了解bg视讯的堆肥计划. 大多数情况下,bg视讯每周都会填满13个垃圾桶,但bg视讯知道bg视讯还有更多的人需要帮助. 我和一位当地的美食博主聊了聊,想让她今年春天为bg视讯做一个美食演示. She mentions dumplings, which sound like a great idea.
9:30 a.m.: 现在是市场报告时间! 我去每个生产者那里,检查他们在市场上的所有规则:准时到达市场, 帐篷了, 展示农场标志, 显示价格标志, 购买物品注册, 烘焙食品的原料都登记了, 还有其他各种各样的东西. I take my time making sure everything looks in order.
10:20 a.m.: Rinzin from Knoll Krest hands me a lemon tart to try.
10:30 a.m.: 回到bg视讯的帐篷,跟妮可打个招呼,她负责79街的促销和EBT. bg视讯谈论即将到来的一天, bg视讯计划用长寿面和写诗来庆祝中国新年.
10:45 a.m.: Brian of Gajeski Produce stops by 的 tent to greet us. 他总是在星期天登记入住.
11:00 a.m.: 为bg视讯的新供应商设计一个标志,并把它带到堆肥中心展示.
11:10 a.m.: 安德鲁的到来. He's our weekly volunteer, which is a huge help at this market. I start out by asking him to give breaks to farmers.
11:20 a.m.: Green smoothie drinking and Chinese New Year poem writing time. 在撰写本文时,bg视讯有一些客户停下来获取EBT和借/贷代币.
11:45 a.m.: John from Red Jacket hands me a hot cider.

12:00 p.m.: Nicole and Andrew are busy preparing 的 noodle dish, so I make 的 rounds to give breaks to anyone working on 的ir own. 我打破了DiPaola火鸡和Ronnybrook, Hudson Valley Duck和Berkshire Berries.
12:50 p.m.: 检查一下演示. 闻起来很香. bg视讯的区域协调员, 玛格丽特, 来过, 所以bg视讯聊了聊,我在社交媒体上发布了更多面条的照片.
1:40 p.m.: 更多的优惠! 这次是Francesca's Bakery、Knoll Krest和Lavender By 的 Bay. 当我巡视时, I check in with producers to see how 的 day is going, and grab a white bean and collard greens turnover from Body & 灵魂面包店. 春暖花开,市集热闹非凡,很多人都出门了.
2:45 p.m.: 当我在Las Delicias办理入住手续时,他们递给我一块天堂巧克力. 确实如此. When I check-in with Divine Brine, I get handed a Devilish Dill pickle. I declare that it's my new favorite Divine Brine pickle.
2:50 p.m.: I'm back at 的 tent to find one of our regular customers. She always stops by with her two little Yorkshire Terriers, so I tell her how we're planning to do a dog portrait day this spring. bg视讯会寻找一个潜在的地点,并讨论潜在的志愿者. 79街是一个大型的狗市场,所以bg视讯希望它能大获成功.
3:00 p.m.: 妮可去和农民兑换代币了,所以我留在帐篷里. 
3:15 p.m.: Phebe is back from Columbia Greenmarket early! 我开始收拾箱子,和几个顾客聊了聊今天的食物演示, 食谱, and Greenmarket's requirements for selling at market.
3:50 p.m.: Nicole is done and back at 的 tent, 所以我收拾了我的东西,bg视讯讨论了下周可能的食物演示. bg视讯 always scheming with promo and demo ideas.
4:10 p.m.: I see a very familiar-looking puppy out of 的 corner of my eye...it's my husband and puppy, here to pick me up! 今天的工作结束了, 于是bg视讯在市场里闲逛, 采摘蔬菜, 鸡蛋, and lavender sachets along 的 way. 这是漫长的一天,但天气很好,当然,还有很多美味的食物.





