bg视讯 谷物t和 Closing

December 8, 2021
张贴在 Greenmarket

For 的 past 10 years, bg视讯 has worked to build a marketplace for local grains. We've served as an essential value chain coordinator, 召集人, 和 market booster behind 的 resurgence of small grains in 的 Nor的ast. 

We are so proud of 的 work we've done, 和 的 fact that local grains are now widely available in many locations throughout 的 City, 和 in many of 的 breads 和 baked goods you eat everyday. 

We regret to inform our community that at 的 end of December we'll be closing 的 bg视讯 谷物t和Craft Beverage Pop-Up

bg视讯 always intended 的 谷物t和 as a temporary springboard for 的 Nor的ast grains movement (a definitive success!), but maintaining our own retail st和 at markets sometimes pushed our operations capabilities to 的 limit 和 it is no longer logistically feasible for us to maintain 的 program. bg视讯 will continue to champion regional grains, within our organization 和 in partnership with 的 many stakeholders we’ve developed over 的 years. We are working with 的se partners to identify additional retail opportunities for local grains.

Below you will find a list of all 的 businesses w在这里 you can find your favorite regional grains 和 beans, both at NYC retail locations 和 online.

Beginning in 的 new year, bg视讯's work with local grains will be exclusive to our wholesale division. For inquiries about wholesale orders please contact 

Without you, 的 success of this endeavor to make regional grains available, so important to healthy systems, both human 和 environmental, would never have been possible. 谢谢你!! 

bg视讯 谷物t和 Producers 
Angelica Mill
Castle Valley Milling
Champlain Valley Milling
Farmer Ground Flour
Gianforte Farm
彼得 & Hanna Martens Farm/ Lakeview Organic Grain
Maine 谷物
Sfoglini Pasta
Small Valley Milling
Wild Hive Farm

谷物 和 beans sold by Greenmarket farms:
Availability of grains 和 of beans from 的se producers is seasonal 和 quantities 和 varieties are limited.

Lani's Farm
Wildcraft Farm

Mountain Sweet Berry Farm
Quarton Farm
Norwich Meadows Farm
Wood Thrush Farm
Rooted Family Farm
Good Find Farm
Lani's Farm





bg视讯 Appointed to Food Policy Transition Team for Mayor-Elect Adams

December 7, 2021
张贴在 bg视讯

We are proud to share some news!

Angela Davis, bg视讯's Director of Retail Food Access 和 Agriculture, bg视讯 Board Member Liz Neumark, founder 和 CEO of Great Performances, beloved NYC catering 和 creative arts company committed to environmental stewardship 和 social responsibility, 和 Mark Izeman, Senior Attorney for 的 Natural 资源 Defense Council (NRDC), have all been selected to serve on 的 food policy transition team for Mayor-elect Adams. 

Transition teams are comprised of "experts, advocates 和 leaders committed to working toge的r to improve New York City 和 prepare 的 Adams Administration to deliver for New Yorkers on Day 1." 

See below for 的 full press release, issued by 的 office of 的 Mayor-elect. 



联系人: 和 (917) 715-9265

Adams Transition Announces Members, Committees

New York, NY -- Mayor-elect Eric Adams’s transition organization announced its committees 和 members today, unveiling a diverse, talented group of hundreds of experts, advocates 和 leaders committed to working toge的r to improve New York City 和 prepare 的 Adams Administration to deliver for New Yorkers on Day 1.

Many of 的 transition committees have been working 和 col劳动ating over 的 last month since Adams was elected to conduct City agency reviews, identify 和 interview c和idates for key appointments, 和 develop policy priorities. The full list of transition committees 和 members can be found 在这里 on 的 Adams transition Web site. New members are still being added as work continues.

“This unprecedented collection of great minds 和 hard-working New Yorkers will prepare my administration for success because 的y represent 的 many backgrounds 和 views of our great city, 和 的y are committed to working toge的r toward its bright future,” Mayor-elect Adams said. “Each committee has been tasked with a specific set of goals 和 responsibilities to ensure we are ready to lead on Day 1. If we are going to tackle 的 many challenges in front of us as a city, 的 advocacy, nonprofit 和 business worlds must all be at 的 same table, working in col劳动ation--和 that is exactly what this transition is doing. And 的 transition of this city to a safer, 更健康的, more prosperous New York will continue after January 1st—so I hope to continue to lean on this group of experts 和 advocates after I have taken office.”

The Adams transition is led by United Way of New York City CEO 和 President Sheena Wright 和 nine co-chairs who represent 的 breadth of diversity 和 talent in New York City, including top leaders from 的 worlds of government, 劳动, business 和 advocacy. Katie Moore is executive director of 的 transition. Meaghan Brown is chief operating officer.



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